
Schiff Bases and Their Metal Complexes to Target and Overcome (multidrug) Resistance in Cancer

European journal of medicinal chemistry(2024)

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Overcoming multidrug resistance (MDR) is one of the major challenges in cancer therapy. In this respect, Schiff base-related compounds (bearing a R1R2CNR3 bond) gained high interest during the past decades. Schiff bases are considered privileged ligands for various reasons, including the easiness of their preparation and the possibility to form complexes with almost all transition metal ions. Schiff bases and their metal complexes exhibit many types of biological activities and are used for the treatment and diagnosis of various diseases. Until now, 13 Schiff bases have been investigated in clinical trials for cancer treatment and hypoxia imaging. This review represents the first collection of Schiff bases and their complexes which demonstrated MDR-reversal activity. The areas of drug resistance covered in this article involve: 1) Modulation of ABC transporter function, 2) Targeting lysosomal ABCB1 overexpression, 3) Circumvention of ABC transporter-mediated drug efflux by alternative routes of drug uptake, 4) Selective activity against MDR cancer models (collateral sensitivity), 5) Targeting GSH-detoxifying systems, 6) Overcoming apoptosis resistance by inducing necrosis and paraptosis, 7) Reactivation of mutated p53, 8) Restoration of sensitivity to DNA-damaging anticancer therapy, and 9) Overcoming drug resistance through modulation of the immune system. Through this approach, we would like to draw attention to Schiff bases and their metal complexes representing highly interesting anticancer drug candidates with the ability to overcome MDR.
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