Influence of One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal on Raman Signal Enhancement: A Detailed Experimental Study.

Applied spectroscopy(2024)

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The enhancement of Raman signals using photonic crystal structures has been the subject of numerous experimental and theoretical studies, leading to a variety of issues and inconsistencies. This paper presents a comprehensive experimental investigation into the impact of alignment between the laser excitation wavelength and the specific position of the photonic band gap on signal enhancement in Raman spectroscopy. By employing one-dimensional (1D) porous silicon photonic crystals, a systematic analysis across a large number of spectra was conducted. The study focused on examining the signal enhancement of both the Raman ∼520 cm-1 silicon band, representing the constituent material of photonic crystal, and the most prominent Raman bands of crystal violet, used as a probe molecule. The probe molecules were both infiltrated into and adsorbed on top of the photonic crystal structure. The obtained experimental results for the contribution of 1D photonic crystals to Raman signal enhancement are much smaller compared to most predictions. The Raman signal of silicon and the signal from the probe molecule are enhanced ≤2.5 times when the laser excitation aligns with the edge of the photonic band gap, strictly defined as the position at the very bottom of the reflectance peak. The results have been discussed within the context of theoretical explanations.
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