Campomanesia Lorenziana As a Replacement Name for Abbevillea Langsdorffii (myrtaceae), a Rare and Endemic Fruiting Species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

Thiago Fernandes, Adriano da Silva de Cicco Maruyama, Eugenio Arantes de Melo, Marco Túlio Côrtes de Lacerda,Jair Eustáquio Quintino de Faria,Jaquelini Luber,Marla Ibrahim Uehbe de Oliveira,João Marcelo Alvarenga Braga

Kew Bulletin(2024)

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This study was initially driven by efforts to identify a species of Campomanesia from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest that was introduced into cultivation because of it excellent fruits, using seeds collected in 2007. Tentatively interpreted as a new taxon, after examination of the types of synonyms of its apparent close relatives, we found that this taxon corresponds closely to the type and original description of Abbevillea langsdorffii, which is currently considered a synonym of Campomanesia sessiliflora var. sessiliflora. Examination of original descriptions, types, historical and modern herbarium collections and cultivated individuals support the recognition of A. langsdorffii as a distinct species. The existence of C. langsdorffii prevents using this combination, and, therefore, we propose Campomanesia lorenziana as a necessary replacement name. We provide herein an updated morphological description for C. lorenziana, including a report on fruit taste, morphological photographs and drawings and a taxonomic discussion. Campomanesia lorenziana is similar to C. hirsuta and C. phaea, so we provide morphological data to distinguish them and a brief historical overview regarding the cultivation of C. lorenziana is also presented.
Cultivated plant,horticulture,Myrteae,Neotropics,superguabiroba.
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