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From Islands to Infectomes: Host-Specific Viral Diversity among Birds Across Remote Islands


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BACKGROUND:Accelerating biodiversity loss necessitates monitoring the potential pathogens of vulnerable species. With a third of New Zealand's avifauna considered at risk of extinction, a greater understanding of the factors that influence microbial transmission in this island ecosystem is needed. We used metatranscriptomics to determine the viruses, as well as other microbial organisms (i.e. the infectomes), of seven bird species, including the once critically endangered black robin (Petroica traversi), on two islands in the remote Chatham Islands archipelago, New Zealand. RESULTS:We identified 19 likely novel avian viruses across nine viral families. Black robins harboured viruses from the Flaviviridae, Herpesviridae, and Picornaviridae, while introduced starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) and migratory seabirds (Procellariiformes) carried viruses from six additional viral families. Potential cross-species virus transmission of a novel passerivirus (family: Picornaviridae) between native (black robins and grey-backed storm petrels) and introduced (starlings) birds was also observed. Additionally, we identified bacterial genera, apicomplexan parasites, as well as a novel megrivirus linked to disease outbreaks in other native New Zealand birds. Notably, island effects were outweighed by host taxonomy as a significant driver of viral composition, even among sedentary birds. CONCLUSIONS:These findings underscore the value of surveillance of avian populations to identify and minimise escalating threats of disease emergence and spread in these island ecosystems. Importantly, they contribute to our understanding of the potential role of introduced and migratory birds in the transmission of microbes and associated diseases, which could impact vulnerable island-endemic species.
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Key words
Birds,Chatham Islands,New Zealand,Infectome,Microbiome,Cross-species transmission,Virus
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