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The Food Fraud Landscape: A Brief Review of Food Safety and Authenticity

The 17th International Conference of the Hellenic Association of Agricultural Economists(2024)

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Food fraud poses a significant challenge within the global food supply chain, with apprehensions regarding safety, authenticity, and efficiency. This study conducts a brief review of the literature by utilizing the Web of Science database, analyzing 2331 outcomes pertaining to the subject of food fraud. The analysis results demonstrated a noteworthy surge in scientific publications after 2013, which was propelled by events such as the horsemeat scandal and the formation of the European Food Safety Authority. Utilizing Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA), the study identified significant clusters pertaining to food transformation, safety, traceability, and distinct meat sources. In addition, trending topics shifted towards a holistic approach to food safety and the implementation of technologies like Blockchain (BC), Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Big Data (BD). These technologies offer enhanced traceability, authentication, automation, and decision-making capabilities. The present research offers valuable perspectives on the evolving landscape of food fraud research and the potential of nascent technologies to tackle these issues.
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food fraud,food safety,food authenticity,food supply chain,review,Industry 4.0,sustainability,blockchain,food traceability,Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA)
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