
Agronomic efficiency of rekal remineralizer in soybean and maize crops

Eliana Paula Fernandes Brasil, Eli Regina Barboza De Souza,Wilson Mozena Leandro,João Paulo Vilela De Castro, Isadora de Lima Araújo, Thiago de Godoi Araújo, Thalles Martins Anastacio, Wictória de Lima Araújo

Revista Contemporânea(2024)

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Remineralization regards using rocks as both conditioners and nutrient sources for agricultural soils; it also works as essential basis for degraded or depleted soil recovery. The aim of the present assay is to assess the performance of Rekal remineralizer and its effects on soybean and maize cultures, which were used as test plants. The following soil types were used in the experiment: Yellow Oxisol with sandy loam texture and Red Oxisol with clayey texture. The research was carried out in greenhouse, at the Agronomics School of Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia City, Goiás State. Experimental treatments consisted in using different Rekal remineralizer doses (0, 30, 60, 120 and 240 kg ha-1 K2O) to compare the results to those of FMX remineralizer products and potassium chloride (KCl), at the dose of 60 kg ha-1. Plant development variables (height, diameter and number of leaves), soil and leaf potassium content, calcium and magnesium content, CEC and soil base saturation, soybean grain yield, maize green mass yield and the relative efficiency of Rekal using in comparison to both FMX remineralizer and potassium chloride synthetic fertilizers were assessed. Results have shown that Rekal remineralizer presents agronomic efficiency comparable to that of KCl and FMX remineralizer. Using Rekal remineralizer can improve and keep important soil parameters, such as CEC, soil base saturation and calcium, magnesium and potassium content.
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