Some Evidence of a Wide Rotational Extension in East Antarctica Preceding Gondwana Breakup


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Recent sub-ice topography compilations of East Antarctica have imaged a wide sector, spanning from 100° E to 160° E in longitude and from the Oates, George V and Adelie coastlines to 85° S in latitude, which contains numerous low-lying basins of variable size and uncertain origin. The sector shows a Basin and Range style tectonics comprising two major basins of continental proportions, the Wilkes Basin and the Aurora Basin complex, and many smaller basins such as the Adventure, Concordia, Aurora and Vostok trenches. The main longitudinal axes of the basins consistently point towards the South Pole and many exhibit intriguing distinct triangular shapes, sitting within an approximately 2000 x 2000 km fan-shaped physiographic region limited by a semi-circular coast line. We name this region as the East Antarctic Fan shaped Basin Province (EAFBP). To the West, this sector is limited by the intraplate Gamburtsev Mountains (GM) and to the East by the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) constituting the uplifted shoulder of the Cenozoic West Antarctic Rift System (WARS). Origins and inter-relationships between these four fundamental Antarctic tectonic units (WARS, TAM, EAFBP, GM) are still poorly understood and strongly debated. Very little is known about the mechanism generating the basins in the EAFBP, their formation time, whether they are all coeval and if and how they relate to Australia basins before Antarctica-Australia rifting. Present genetic hypotheses for some of the basins span from continental rifting to a purely flexural origin or a combination of the two. Also, post-tectonic erosional and depositional processes may have had a significant impact on the present-day topographic configuration. Here we interpret the EAFBP as the result of a single genetic mechanism: a wide fan-shaped intra-continental extension around a near pivot point at about 135° E, 85° S that likely occurred at the Mesozoic-Cenozoic transition. We discuss evidence from the sub-ice topography and potential field airborne and satellite data. We have applied image segmentation techniques to the rebounded sub-ice topography to semi-automatically trace the first order shape of the sub-ice basins, that we assume to be fault controlled. Then we have fitted the edges of the basins by maximum circles and estimated the best Euler pole identified by their intersection. Potential field anomalies have been taken into account in order to enlighten major discontinuities not revealed by the sub-ice topography. The reconnaissance of this large sector of East Antarctica as the result of rotational extension may have major implications on global and regional tectonics plate reconstructions, plate deformation assumptions and new tectonic evolutionary models of WARS, TAM, and GM.
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