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Results and Perspectives from the First Two Years of Neutrino Physics at the LHC by the SND@LHC Experiment

D. Abbaneo, S. AhmadE. Zaffaroni,J. Zamora Saa


European Org Nucl Res CERN | Pakistan Inst Nucl Sci & Technol PINSTECH | Sez INFN Napoli | Ecole Polytech Fed Lausanne | CERN | Chulalongkorn Univ | Sez INFN Bologna | UZH | Hamburg Univ | Lab Instrumentat & Expt Particle Phys LIP | Sofia Univ | Univ Cagliari | Leiden Univ | UCL | Sungkyunkwan Univ | Inst Phys & PRISMA Cluster Excellence | Humboldt Univ | Univ Napoli Federico II | Sez INFN Bari | Middle East Tech Univ METU | Univ Bari | Pontificia Univ Catolica Chile | Imperial Coll London | SAPHIR | Gyeongsang Natl Univ | Gwangju Natl Univ Educ | Nagoya Univ | Korea Univ | Univ Bologna | Chiang Mai Univ | Toho Univ | Niels Bohr Inst

Cited 0|Views4
After rapid approval and installation, the SND@LHC Collaboration was able to gather data successfully in 2022 and 2023. Neutrino interactions from νμs originating at the LHC IP1 were observed. Since muons constitute the major background for neutrino interactions, the muon flux entering the acceptance was also measured. To improve the rejection power of the detector and to increase the fiducial volume, a third Veto plane was recently installed. The energy resolution of the calorimeter system was measured in a test beam. This will help with the identification of νe interactions that can be used to probe charm production in the pseudo-rapidity range of SND@LHC (7.2 < η < 8.4). Events with three outgoing muons have been observed and are being studied. With no vertex in the target, these events are very likely from muon trident production in the rock before the detector. Events with a vertex in the detector could be from trident production, photon conversion, or positron annihilation. To enhance SND@LHC’s physics case, an upgrade is planned for HL-LHC that will increase the statistics and reduce the systematics. The installation of a magnet will allow the separation of νμ from ν¯μ
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Key words
SND@LHC,neutrino,neutrino interactions,electron neutrino,muon neutrino,tau neutrino,flavor violation
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实验】:在2022和2023年收集的数据中,观测到源自LHC IP1的νμs中性微子相互作用,同时测量了进入探测器接受度的μ子通量,并研究了包含三个外出μ子的事件,这些事件可能是μ子三重态产物。使用的数据集名称未在摘要中明确提及,但实验观测和分析是基于在LHC期间的运行数据。