
Effect of Screening with a Pan-Trk Immunohistochemistry-Based Algorithm on NTRK Fusion Detection Rates.

Hernan Jorge Garcia-Rivello,Federico Jauk,Julieta Pandolfi, Paula Gonzalez Hermida,Federico Cayol,Pablo Roitman,Alejandra Wernicke,Ana del Valle Jaen, Maria Laura Leonardi, Juan Pablo Santino, Jose Nicolas Minatta, Gustavo Caballero, Claudia Alejandra Franco Cortes,Lorena Lupinacci, Malena Mazza,Victoria Volonteri,Paola de La Iglesia

Journal of Clinical Oncology(2024)

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e15135 Background: Rearrangements in the NTRK1, NTRK2, and NTRK3 genes are clinical actionable and predictive of response to TRK kinase inhibitors in solid tumors. Their detection in clinical practice is a priority, but their low prevalence (0.25-1%) poses a diagnostic challenge. In this study, we describe our immunohistochemical-based and cost-effective approach for NTRK rearrangements detection. Methods: We implemented a comprehensive NTRK testing approach at a reference center that combined clinical criteria (e.g., iodine therapy-resistant thyroid cancer); molecular biomarkers (e.g., non-small-cell lung carcinoma negative for driver alterations, colorectal carcinoma with deficient MMR and/or microsatellite instability); and histopathological criteria (identifying tumor subtypes associated with NTRK fusions, such as breast secretory carcinoma). Automated immunohistochemistry (Ventana BenchMark ULTRA IHC/ISH System) using the antibody pan-TRK (Ventana, EPR17341) was used as a screening tool. Positive results were confirmed through molecular techniques, including Next Generation Sequencing, NGS (Oncomine Focus Assay, Thermo Fisher, based on DNA and RNA) and/or FISH (NTRK3 break-apart probe, Zytovision). Results: We evaluated 172 patients (99 female/73 male), with a mean age of 52 years (SD 23.8). Eighteen (18) patients with neoplasms expressing TRK proteins were identified. Confirmatory studies using NGS identified fusions in 7 cases. In instances of poor RNA quality, FISH techniques (NTRK3) were employed, confirming the findings in an additional 3 patients. Overall prevalence of NTRK fusions was 5.8%. Histological types included the following tumor types: Thyroid carcinoma, 4 patients (one medullary and 3 papillary carcinomas, two of them in the pediatric population); soft tissue sarcomas, 3 patients (2 corresponding to infantile fibrosarcoma and a soft tissue provisional entity, "NTRK-rearranged spindle cell neoplasm”); secretory carcinoma of the breast, one patient; secretory carcinoma of the salivary gland, one patient; colorectal carcinoma, one patient, with a deficient MMR phenotype. NTRK3 gene fusions were found in 10 patients, (6 fusions with ETV6 detected by NGS and 3 detected by FISH), and NTRK1 fusion in 1 case (fusion with LMNA detected by NGS). The positive predictive value of pan-TRK immunohistochemistry as a screening tool was 0.55. Conclusions: In our experience, the comprehensive screening approach based on morphological and clinical/ molecular inclusion criteria, along with the use of immunohistochemical techniques (pan-TRK antibody), significantly enhances the detection rate of NTRK fusions (5.8% vs. 0.25-1%). Additionally, FISH provides a valuable tool in samples with poor RNA quality. This approach allows for a reduction in the impact of costly testing, such as NGS, on the healthcare system.
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