
Low-energy Α-Nucleus Optical Potential Studied Via (α, N) Cross Section Measurements on Te Isotopes

Physical review C(2024)

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Background: In several processes of stellar nucleosynthesis, like the astrophysical gamma process, nuclear reactions involving alpha particles play an important role. The description of these reactions necessitates the knowledge of the alpha-nucleus optical model potential (AOMP) which is highly ambiguous at low, astrophysical energies. This ambiguity introduces a substantial uncertainty in the stellar models for predicting elemental and isotopic abundances. Purpose: The experimental study of the AOMP is thus necessary, and can be implemented by measuring the cross section of alpha-induced nuclear reactions. At low energies, (alpha, n) reactions are suitable for such a purpose. Therefore, in the present work, the (alpha, n) cross sections of four Te isotopes have been measured, mostly for the first time, and compared with theoretical predictions. Method: The (alpha, n) cross sections of 120,122,124,130Te have been measured in the energy range between about 10 and 17 MeV using the activation method. The detection of the gamma radiation following the decay of the radioactive reaction products were used to determine the cross sections. Results: The measured cross sections are compared with statistical model calculations obtained from the widely used TALYS nuclear reaction simulation code. Predictions using various available AOMPs are investigated. Conclusions: It is found that the recently developed Atomki-V2 AOMP provides the best description for all studied reactions, and this potential also reproduces well the total reaction cross sections from elastic scattering experiments, when they are available in literature. We recommend therefore to use the astrophysical reaction rates based on this potential for nucleosynthesis models of heavy elements.
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