
Comparative Analysis of Morphological Characteristics and Blooming Patterns of Hermaphrodite and Male Pomegranate Flowers

Esmaeil Seifi, Fahimeh Feizi

Deleted Journal(2024)

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This study compared the characteristics of hermaphrodite and male pomegranate flowers in different positions during the blooming period of the ‘Malas Saveh’ and ‘Shirin Kolbad’ cultivars. Samples were collected every five days from mid-May to late June. The findings revealed that the two cultivars did not differ significantly in most of the studied morphological traits, except for petal dimensions. However, blooming stages showed significant differences in all morphological traits, with the highest flower weight recorded on May 14 and 19, followed by a decrease on May 24 and 29. The diameter and weight were higher in spur flowers than brindille flowers and in terminal flowers than lateral ones. Hermaphrodite flowers were larger and heavier, produced fewer stamens but longer styles than male flowers. The study also found that spur terminal hermaphrodite flowers were more abundant than others, terminal flowers were more abundant than lateral flowers, and spur flowers were more abundant than brindille flowers. Hermaphrodite flowers primarily bloomed from May 19 to June 3, initially terminally and then laterally on spurs. They also bloomed terminally and laterally on brindilles from May 29 to June 3. Male flowers predominantly bloomed from May 19 to June 3, initially terminally and then laterally on spurs. In conclusion, this study enhances our understanding of pomegranate flower development by providing valuable insights into the morphological characteristics and blooming patterns of different flower types in different positions during the blooming period. These findings may have implications for pomegranate cultivation and management practices.
Brindille,Hermaphrodite,Lateral,Punica granatum,Spur,Terminal
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