
Pore-scale Investigations of Permeability of Saturated Porous Media: Pore Structure Efficiency

Journal of hydrology(2024)

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Accurate estimation of permeability and the establishment of correlations with pore space properties have garnered attention due to the increasing demand for oil and gas reservoir development as well as geological carbon sequestration. However, prevailing theoretical and empirical models often rely on porosity and pore sizes as key pore space properties to predict permeability, overlooking the variability of pore structure. To delineate the intrinsic associations between permeability and pore space properties, a self-developed visualized experimental system with controllable pore space properties is used to measure permeability of porous media with varying porosity and particle arrangements. Various parameters, encompassing porosity, pore sizes (maximum pore diameter and pore throat diameter) and fractal parameters (pore fractal dimension, succolarity, and lacunarity) are extracted to quantify pore space properties, and further utilized to develop permeability models. Results demonstrate a positive correlation between permeability and porosity, maximum pore diameter, and average pore throat diameter. Additionally, particle arrangements yield pronounced anisotropy in permeability. Relying solely on porosity and pore sizes to portray pore space properties falls short of comprehensively characterizing permeability. Incorporating fractal characterization through metrics like succolarity and lacunarity emerges as a potent avenue for delineating heterogeneity and pore connectivity. This approach proves useful in characterizing the effect of pore structure variability on permeability. The established permeability model rooted in flow direction succolarity and normalized lacunarity aligns effectively with experimental data, capturing the essential physics of permeability variation.
Porous media,Permeability,Porosity,Pore sizes,Fractal analysis
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