
Brain microvascular endothelial cell metabolism and its ties to barrier function.

Vitamins and hormones(2024)

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Brain microvascular endothelial cells, which lie at the interface between blood and brain, are critical to brain energetics. These cells must precisely balance metabolizing nutrients for their own demands with transporting nutrients into the brain to sustain parenchymal cells. It is essential to understand this integrated metabolism and transport so that we can develop better diagnostics and therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, and traumatic brain injury. In this chapter, we first describe brain microvascular endothelial cell metabolism and how these cells regulate both blood flow and nutrient transport. We then explain the impact of brain microvascular endothelial cell metabolism on the integrity of the blood-brain barrier, as well as how metabolites produced by the endothelial cells impact other brain cells. We detail some ways that cell metabolism is typically measured experimentally and modeled computationally. Finally, we describe changes in brain microvascular endothelial cell metabolism in aging and neurodegenerative diseases. At the end of the chapter, we highlight areas for future research in brain microvascular endothelial cell metabolism. The goal of this chapter is to underscore the importance of nutrient metabolism and transport at the brain endothelium for cerebral health and neurovascular disease treatment.
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