
The Indian Ocean Dipole Modulates the Phytoplankton Size Structure in the Southern Tropical Indian Ocean

Remote sensing(2024)

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The phytoplankton size structure exerts a significant influence on ecological processes and biogeochemical cycles. In this study, the interannual variations in remotely sensed phytoplankton size structure in the southern Tropical Indian Ocean (TIO) and the underlying physical mechanisms were investigated. Significant interannual fluctuations in phytoplankton size structure occur in the southeastern TIO and central southern TIO and are very sensitive to Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events. During positive IOD events, the southeast wind anomalies reinforce coastal upwelling off of Java and Sumatra, leading to a shift toward a larger phytoplankton structure in the southeastern TIO. The anomalous anticyclonic circulation deepened the thermocline and triggered the oceanic downwelling Rossby waves, resulting in a smaller phytoplankton structure in the southwestern TIO. During the decay phase of the strong positive IOD events, the sustained warming in the southwestern TIO induced basin-wide warming, thereby maintaining such an anomalous phytoplankton size structure into the following spring. The response of phytoplankton size structure and ocean dynamics displayed inverse patterns during the negative IOD events, with an anomalous larger phytoplankton structure in the central southern TIO. These findings enhance our understanding of phytoplankton responses to climate events, with serious implications for ecosystem changes in a warming climate.
phytoplankton size structure,interannual variations,physical processes,Indian Ocean Dipole,Tropical Indian Ocean
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