
Cardiomyocyte-stromal cell interplay modulates the pathogenesis of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy

A. S. Maione,L. Iengo, L. Sala,I Massaiu,M. Chiesa, S. Ghilardi, C. Florindi,F. Lodola,A. Zaza,C. Tondo, M. Schiavone, C. Banfi,G. Pompilio,P. Poggio,E. Sommariva


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Type of funding sources: Public grant(s) – EU funding. Main funding source(s): Transnational Research Projects on Cardiovascular Diseases Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy (ACM) is an inherited heart disorder characterized by a high incidence of sudden death at young age. Mutations linked to ACM occur primarily in desmosomal genes (e.g. PKP2) [1]. Different cell types individually contribute to set the ACM phenotype with either functional abnormalities (cardiomyocytes; CM) [2]; or fibro-fatty substitution (cardiac mesenchymal stromal cells; cMSC) [3]. The relative contribution of the different cell type derangements to determine disease evolution and electrical instability is still unclear. We hypothesize that the use of a multicellular cardiac system, modelling the functional interaction between CM and cMSC, will allow the understanding of the relative contribution of the different cell types to the ACM phenotypes. Primary cMSC (carrier of the PKP2 mutation c.2013delC) have been collected from a right ventricle biopsy sample; control cMSC obtained from a biobank. iPSC reprogrammed from the same ACM patient and the isogenic line in which the PKP2 mutation was corrected [4] were used. Cardiac cocultures (cc) were assembled by combining 85% iPSC-CM and 15% primary cMSC (as in Figure 1A), either mutated or control, in different combination (as in Figure 1B). Fibro-fatty accumulation have been evaluated by immunofluorescence analysis. Movies of contracting clusters have been collected and analysed by the MUSCLEMOTION tool [5]. Cell-cell communication was studied in silico by InterCellar analysis [6] on the single culture transcriptomes. The assessment of the paracrine interactions was performed on the cc secretome by Olink technology. Immunofluorescence analysis highlighted that ACM cc (cc 4) accumulate more lipids and collagen than healthy control (HC) ones (cc 1). Since intermediate fibro-fatty levels were observed in ‘mixed cc’ (cc 2 and 3), we conclude that ACM iPSC-CM are able to influence fibro-adipo-commitment of cMSC. Contraction studies showed a high propensity for cc monolayers which include ACM iPSC-CM (cc3 and cc4) to display arrhythmic events. An increase in the percentage of arrhythmic events was triggered when the ACM cMSC were replacing HC cMSC, indicating that ACM cMSC can affect iPSC-CM rhythm. The most abundant ligand-receptor couplets regarded cell-cell adhesion, cell-matrix coupling, cell differentiation and inflammation. Differential abundance between the four cc was observed mainly for secreted factors involved in cardiac fibrosis, inflammation, adipogenesis / lipid metabolism and heart failure. In particular, DLK-1, secreted only by HC CM, is validated as novel inhibitor of ACM fibro-adipose differentiation. Overall, our novel simple multicellular ACM cell model can recapitulate different phenotypes of ACM and contributed to understand the relative contribution of the different cell types to ACM features (e.g. fibro-adipose replacement, contractile defects and proarrhythmic events).
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