Skeletal malformation in growing milk sheep.

A Gimmel, R Hochstrasser,M Hilbe, K Nuss, A Liesegang

Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde(2024)

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INTRODUCTION:Two six-month old female Lacaune lambs with severe skeletal malformations of both front limbs were presented to the Department of Farm Animals, University of Zurich. The clinical examination showed alert animals with a high body weight and body condition score as well as a valgus deformation without pain or swelling. Radiographic examination showed severe irregularities in the epiphysial plate of the metacarpal bones in both lambs. Delayed growth in the lateral aspects of the physis was evident and resulted in valgus deformation. Nutritional causes were considered as the main reason for this presentation and a nutritional consultation was performed by the Institute of Animal Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Zurich. The estimated energy intake of these lambs was 65 % higher than the recommended maximum for growing sheep and the estimated vitamin D content of the diet was 71 % below the recommended allowance. Both animals were euthanized, and peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) was performed postmortem to measure total bone mineral density (BMD), trabecular bone mineral density (tBMD) and cortical bone mineral density (cBMD) of the left and right metatarsal bone of both animals. The BMD and the tBMD at 10 % of bone length were below the reference values and the BMD at 50 % was above the reference values. In addition, postmortem examination revealed a Salter-Harris-Typ-1 facture in the right caput humeri of one lamb. Histological evaluation showed defects in the articular cartilage with an eburnation in the metacarpal region and a disrupted area of columnar cartilage. This case report supports the fact that a high dietary energy intake leads to damage to the cartilage and the epiphyseal zone in sheep. In addition, insufficient dietary vitamin D intake contributed to the incomplete bone mineralization, as well as delayed growth and skeletal malformation.
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