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A Pilot Study of Virtual Liver Segment Projection Technology in Subsegment-Oriented Laparoscopic Anatomical Liver Resection when Indocyanine Green Staining Fails (with Video)


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Precision surgery for liver tumors favors laparoscopic anatomical liver resection (LALR), involving the removal of specific liver segments or subsegments. Indocyanine green (ICG)-negative staining is a commonly used method for defining resection boundaries but may be prone to failure. The challenge arises when ICG staining fails, as it cannot be repeated during surgery. In this study, we employed the virtual liver segment projection (VLSP) technology as a salvage approach for precise boundary determination. Our aim was to assess the feasibility of the VLSP to be used for the determination of the boundaries of the liver resection in this situation. Between January 2021 and June 2023, 12 consecutive patients undergoing subsegment-oriented LALR were included in this pilot series. The VLSP technology was utilized to define the resection boundaries at the time of ICG-negative staining failure. Routine surgical parameters and short-term outcomes were evaluated to assess the safety of VLSP in this procedure. In addition, its feasibility was assessed by analyzing the accuracy between the predicted resected liver volume (PRLV) and actual resected liver volume (ARLV). Of the 12 enrolled patients, the mean operation time was 444.58 ± 101.70 min (range 290–570 min), with a mean blood loss of 125.00 ± 96.53 ml (range 50–400 mL). One patient (8.3
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Key words
Anatomical liver resection,Subsegmentectomy,ICG fluorescence imaging,Virtual liver segment projection,Augmented reality navigation
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