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IODP Expedition 383 Interstitial Water Composite Report

Gisela Winckler, Frank Lamy,Carlos A. Alvarez Zarikian, Helge W. Arz,Chandranath Basak, Anieke Brombacher, Oliver Esper,Jesse R. Farmer, Nicole Foucher McColl, Julia Gottschalk, Lisa C. Herbert, Shinya Iwasaki, Vera J. Lawson,Lester Lembke‐Jene,Li Lo,Elisa Malinverno,Élisabeth Michel, Jennifer L. Middleton,Simone Moretti, Christopher M. Moy,Ana Christina Ravelo, Christina R. Riesselman, Mariem Saavedra‐Pellitero,Inah Seo, Raj K. Singh,Rebecca A. Smith, Alexandre L. Souza,Joseph S. Stoner, Igor M. Venancio,Sui Wan,Xiangyu Zhao

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)(2021)

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This composite report includes data from numerous interstitial water (IW) analyses (e.g., ICP-LIQUIDS and IONCHROM) in a variable set of columns. Each row combines the data from several tests (groups of measurements made on the same sample at the same time) for a particular IW sample. If data do not exist for a particular expedition, the column does not appear. To identify individual samples and tests, see each separate analysis (ALKALINITY, ICP-LIQUIDS, IONCHROM, SALINITY, SPEC, TITRATOR, and potentially others). Major and minor elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrocsopy (ICP-LIQUIDS). Cations and anions were measured by ion chromatography (IONCHROM). Complex ions were measured by colorimetric measurements using a UV-VIS spectrometer (SPEC). Alkalinity and chloride was measured by titration (ALKALINITY and TITRATOR). Dissolved carbon (DC), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were measured by combustion in a total organic carbon (TOC) analyzer. Salinity was measured by refractometer (SALINITY). pH was measured by ion-selective electrode as part of the alkalinity procedure and is reported in the ALKALINITY analysis.
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