Cluster Observation on the Latitudinal Distribution Of magnetic Pc5 Pulsations in the Inner Magnetosphere


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Ultralow frequency (ULF) waves in the Pc5 band are ubiquitous in the inner magnetosphere and can impact radiation belt dynamics by interacting with electrons through drift or drift-bounce resonance. In this paper, based on ∼ 19 years of Cluster measurements, we perform a comprehensive study of the three-dimensional distribution of poloidal, toroidal, and compressional ULF waves from L = 4 to 10, for magnetic latitudes (MLAT) up to Ultralow frequency ±50°, and in all magnetic local times (MLT). The distribution of the Pc5 ULF wave power is found to vary greatly as a function of L and MLT. For all L and MLT sectors, wave power of the poloidal and toroidal modes of the magnetic field increase with increasing MLAT, while the compressional mode decreases with increasing MLAT. The dawn–dusk asymmetries of wave power in poloidal and toroidal modes are more pronounced at higher MLAT. Furthermore, the wave power for Kp > 2 is approximately 2.93, 3.21, and 3.42 times greater than the wave power for Kp ≤ 2, respectively for compressional, poloidal and toroidal components. The information on the latitudinal distributions of ULF waves presented in this paper is important for future investigations on the radial diffusion process of radiation belt electrons with non-90° pitch angles while they bounce away from the magnetic equator.
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