FIGURE 2 from Single-Cell CD4 and CD8 T-Cell Secretome Profiling Reveals Temporal and Niche Differences in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Following Immune Checkpoint Blockade Therapy


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Baseline T-cell functional activity in PB and BM. A, Heat map of T-cell cytokine expression values in PB (n = 20) and BM (n = 16) samples at baseline split by cell subset and scaled by row with clinical characteristic and functional group annotations. ComplexHeatmap was used for data analysis and visualization. B, ComplexHeatmap comparing cytokine expression based on functional groups of CD4 and CD8 cells between TMEs at baseline in the PB and BM. C, Bar plot representation of the significant functional groups from B. Pairwise analysis using ggpaired shows differences based on functional group expression compared between TMEs (P < 0.05).
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