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Tolerance Mitigates Gall Effects when Susceptible Plants Fail to Elicit Induced Defense


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Variations in plant genotypes and phenotypes are expressed in ways that lead to the development of defensive abilities against herbivory. Induced defenses are mechanisms that affect herbivore insect preferences and performance. We evaluated the performance of resistant and susceptible phenotypes of Bauhinia brevipes (Fabaceae) against attacks by the gall-inducing insect Schizomyia macrocapillata (Diptera). We hypothesized that there is a positive relationship between resistance to S. macrocapillata and host plant performance because resistance can have a high adaptive value. We evaluated plant architecture, nutritional leaf quality, leaf fluctuating asymmetry, and reproductive capacity between phenotypes. Plant performance was evaluated at three ontogenetic stages: seed, seedling, and juvenile. Overall, there were no differences in vegetative and reproductive performance or asymmetry between the resistant and susceptible mature plants. We found no relationship between leaf nutritional quality and resistance to S. macrocapillata. Plant performance was consistent across ontogeny for both phenotypes, except for five variables. Contrary to our expectations, the susceptible plants performed equally well or better than the resistant plants, suggesting that tolerance and overcompensation to herbivory in B. brevipes may be mediated by induced defense. Our study highlights the importance of multiple layers of plant defense against herbivory, where plant tolerance acts as a secondary barrier in plants susceptible to gall-inducing insects.
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Key words
Bauhinia brevipes,plant-induced defense,plant performance,phenotypes,transgenerational success
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