IODP Expedition 391 Vane Shear Strength (AVS)
William W. Sager,Kaj Hoernle,Tobias W. Höfig,Aaron J. Avery,Rajneesh Bhutani,David M. Buchs,Claire Carvallo,Cornelia Class, Yuhao Dai,Giacomo Dalla Valle,Arianna V. Del Gaudio, Sharmonay Fielding,Kevin M. Gaastra, Seunghee Han,Stephan Homrighausen, Yusuke Kubota, Chun‐Feng Li,Wendy R. Nelson,Ethan Petrou,Katherine E. Potter,Simone Pujatti,Jesse Scholpp,John W. Shervais,Sriharsha Thoram, Sonia M. Tikoo-Schantz,Mbili Tshiningayamwe, Xiaojun Wang,Mike Widdowson Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)(2023)
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