
Field Applied Research (FAR) Australia High Yielding Wheat Data 2015-2022 V1.0

Ben Jones, Nick Poole, Daniel R. Warren,Maxwell Bloomfield, Aaron Vague

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)(2023)

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This dataset compiles experimental results from FAR Australia's research into wheat, from medium and high yielding environments in Australia, between 2015 and 2022. The data has been gathered to improve the validation of APSIM-wheat at high yield levels (>8 t/ha; a component of GRDC Project FAR2304-002RTX). The ultimate aim is to incorporate much of it into the APSIM NextGen wheat model validation dataset ( Yield was the initial criteria for including experiments, along with availability of explanatory data such as dry matter and NDVI, and availability of soil and weather data. The criteria have been relaxed to include lower yielding experiments with phenology data that will assist in the parameterisation of cultivars not already in APSIM. We will be continuing to collate information about the experiments as we build associated simulations. This repository represents progress to date. Sharing/access information (D-3.1*) There is no restriction on the use of this data. Most of the work has not been published previously in peer-reviewed literature. If you plan to publish work based to any substantial degree off this dataset, FAR Australia would appreciate being offered the opportunity to be involved early. Our aim is to make a constructive contribution to the work and be included as a co-author. Where possible, Portable Document Format (pdf) copies of the most recent report on each experiment are included to faciliate interpretation. Many of these can also be found on the FAR Australia website ( ), or by searching online for GRDC update papers that mention "hyper yielding". A subset of this data (2022 Hyper-Yielding Wheat experiments) has been published on Zenodo previously, at . Recommended citation: Jones, Ben, Nick Poole, Darcy Warren, Maxwell Bloomfield, and Aaron Vague. ‘Field Applied Research (FAR) Australia High Yielding Wheat Data 2015-2022 v1.0’. Zenodo, 3 July 2023. Data and file overview (D-3.2) Data files The data are organised by approximate site, year, and trial ID. For example, the Albany folder contains folders for each year between 2020 and 2022. The 2020 folder contains folders for two trials: FAR WAA W20-01a, and FAR WAA W20-01b. These were adjacent experiments with the same treatments, on clayed (a) and unclayed (b) soils. Each folder contains: The most recent version of the excel data sheet(s) that record original data and contains related calculations (eg. plant density from plant counts). These are in similar formats for most trials, and typically contain at least one version of the trial design (map), assessment worksheets (typically Plot, Serp = serpentine, and/or Full), and often statistical analysis and results tables. The pdf copy of the most recent report on the experiment. A JSON object with a unique integer ID that contains site, year, and FAR trial ID. The Trials.json object in the root directory contains an array of all the JSON objects, including the paths of the pdf and data files relative to the root directory, in order that files in the dataset can easily be manipulated programmatically. For example:{"Valid":true,"Id":51,"Trial":"FAR WAA W20-01a","Site":"Albany","Year":2020,"Notes":"","Files":[{"Path":"Albany\\2020\\FAR WAA W20-01a\\200423 FAR WAA W20-01a (clay) ex TW.xlsx","Type":"data"},{"Path":"Albany\\2020\\FAR WAA W20-01a\\210316 HRZ 2020 Cereal Results - FINAL.pdf","Type":"doc"}],"TimeStamp":"2023-07-03T01:40:25.72264Z"}Location and weather information The Site_Year_LatLng.xlsx spreadsheet in the root directory lists the latitude and longitude of each trial, where possible determined from the EXIF information attached to photographs of trial plots. The Weather folder contains downloads of data from weather stations at research sites. The Stations_list.xlsx spreadsheet in the Weather folder indicates which stations are associated with which sites. Soil and management (ancillary) information The Ancillary folder contains an initial attempt to draw together soil, management and other information that may be useful for modeling/interpretation but not available in the excel data sheet. This has some basic organisation, but no specific data format. In some cases these are tables copied from the research report. Where available, these are excel spreadsheets named by site and year, containing one worksheet per trial for information specific to that trial, and remaining worksheets that are relevant to the site as a whole. For example the Albany_2020.xlsx spreadsheet in the Ancillary/Albany/2020 folder contains a FAR WAA W20 worksheet with information about the site as a whole, a number of other worksheets imported from site soil samples, and FAR WAA W20-01a and FAR WAA W20-01b worksheets with trial-specific information. Dataset version This is the first version of the dataset, uploaded on July 3, 2023. Methodological information (D-3.3) A number of processes were used to "discover" the data included in this dataset. Several exhaustive processes were used on files within the FAR Australia dropbox folder. These included: Survey of all Agricultural Research Manager (ARM) files Collation of all Microsoft Word (*.doc/x) and Excel (*.xls/x) files Collation of all image (*.jpg/jpeg) files Collation of all wheat phenological data While the initial screen of data to be included focused on wheat yield, dry matter and NDVI (hand-held Greenseeker) data, additional experiments were included based on availability of phenology data. The trial coding used within FAR Australia systems has remained relatively consistent over most of the period, and has assisted with finding related data. For the example FAR WAA W20-01a, WAA is generally location-related (WA Albany), W is wheat (D is Durum Wheat), 20 is the year 2020, 01 is protocol 1. A further suffixed number is used to indicate time of sowing (W20-01-2 would be a second time of sowing after W20-01-1). Protocol numbering typically remains consistent within a project, but may differ from the sequential numbering given to trials in a report to make them more readable. No special software should be required, and standards/calibration information is not currently available beyond what is reported for each trial. Environmental/experimental conditions (D-3.4) There has been no quality assurance procedure performed on the data. This will be a subject for the FAR2304-002RTX project. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission are acknowledged in the report associated with each trial. The trial reports describe experimental or environmental conditions affecting the interpretation of the relevant trial data. Some spreadsheets also contains notes on the data. Where trial(s) are obviously missing, this is usually related to environmental conditions that rendered the data unusable. An example of this is severe waterlogging at the Gnarwarre site in 2021. Data-specific information (D-3.5) The data spreadsheets are self-describing. The rows above the data typically contain the date, crop growth stage, a brief description of the assessment made, initials of the people making the assessment, and any notes. *D- references refer to the GRDC RD&E Data Capture and Storage Guidelines for Research Partners, Version 1.0
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