
Research and Application on Modeling and Sharing Technologies of Substation Devices

Hui Ren, Yang Sun, Yan Li,Renhui Dou, Bin Guo, Jiejie Li

2024 9th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE)(2024)

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The inconsistency of models has always been one of the key issues that troubles plug and play functions in substations. The existing substation access dispatching system and centralized control system need to be remodeled, drawn, and aligned, which is tedious, repetitive, and inefficient. The substation unified model reconstructs the model framework based on the basic data requirements of the substation, dispatching, centralized control station and other systems, it takes device as the object to completely describe the information such as area, primary topology, device, communication, and measurement. The device is consist of functional component model and physical component model. The functional component model describes information of monitoring and control functions, while physical component model describes real parts of device. The model can convert model files according to the file format requirements of the target system, and share them with various systems through the same source maintenance and synchronization mechanism of the model, achieving the goal of the same model, same graph. The technical route for unified maintenance and sharing of models has been verified through engineering at the 220kV Xinglong substation. Debugging personnel maintain the models at the station and apply them to the centralized control system online. The application shows that the technology route of unified sharing of models is feasible and reliable. The practical application direction will continue to be expanded in the future.
physical component,functional model,change synchronization,model sharing,practical application
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