
#3019 Hepcidin and Erythropoietin along with Iron Indices to Asses Anemia in Lupus Nephritis Population

Mohamed Hosney Badawi, Nourelsabah Mohamed,Ayman F Refaie, Karem N Zayed,Wael I Mortada,Kareem A Nabieh,Mohamed A Sobh

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation(2024)

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Abstract Background and Aims There is a broad spectrum of hematologic manifestations in SLE including lymphopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, or pancytopenia. lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly are also identified especially with high disease activity. Anemia of chronic disease, representing approximately one third of the cases in patients with SLE. Santacruz et al, also reported that iron deficiency anemia is also a common cause, usually caused by blood loss. serum hepcidin levels are high in patients with CKD, and are associated with erythropoiesis stimulating agent resistant anemia due to the inability of stored iron to be accessed for erythropoiesis, they are also high in autoimmune diseases as SLE. we evaluated anaemia in lupus nephrites population by assessing the level of hepcidin, erythropoietin along with iron study Method in this observational study We identified 100 patients with SLE and diagnosed as lupus nephritis by means of renal biopsy ISN/RPS classification 2004 with some missed data about biopsy details, the patients assessed for anaemia by haemoglobin level, iron study (TSAT, ferritin), hepcidin (10-120 μg/L) and erythropoietin level (3-36 IU/L). Demographics, disease characteristics and comorbidities were ascertained and adjusted for. Results 52 % of patients with SLE, LN (mean age 37.85 (9.40) years, 94 % female,) had Hgb<12 g/dl. The two groups of patient were comparable in disease duration but anemia had higher disease activity than patients with normal Hgb (p. value 0.9, 0.001 ). Furthermore, incidence of DM and HTN wasn't have statical significant, laboratory investigation showed anemia is microcytic hypochromic with low TSAT, hepcidin is almost high in 72% of all patients but wasn't significantly different between the two groups but erythropoietin level was normal in 100% of patients in both groups. Conclusion Patients with SLE and LN have an increased prevalence of anemia due to different factors. Our data suggest that iron deficiency anaemia was prevalent in the study group which may be due to high hepcidin level in those group of patient or blood loses especially the majority were females, erythropoietin level as marker of anaemia in lupus nephritis patient had been found to be not an indicator, its receptor resistance or antibodies found in SLE patients.
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