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HD 110067 C Has an Aligned Orbit


European Southern Observ | Univ Roma La Sapienza | European Space Agcy ESA | Univ Tokyo | Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg | Valparaiso Univ | Czech Acad Sci | Univ Arizona | Inst Astrofis Canarias | The University of Tokyo Department of Multi-Disciplinary Sciences | Cardiff Univ | Wesleyan Univ | Friedrich Schiller Univ | UCL | INAF Osservatorio Astrofis Torino | Amer Assoc Variable Star Observers

Cited 0|Views22
Planetary systems in mean motion resonances hold a special place among the planetary population. They allow us to study planet formation in great detail as dissipative processes are thought to have played an important role in their existence. Additionally, planetary masses in bright resonant systems can be independently measured via both radial velocities and transit timing variations. In principle, they also allow us to quickly determine the inclination of all planets in the system since, for the system to be stable, they are likely all in coplanar orbits. To describe the full dynamical state of the system, we also need the stellar obliquity, which provides the orbital alignment of a planet with respect to the spin of its host star and can be measured thanks to the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect. It was recently discovered that HD 110067 harbors a system of six sub-Neptunes in resonant chain orbits. We here analyze an ESPRESSO high-resolution spectroscopic time series of HD 110067 during the transit of planet c. We find the orbit of HD 110067 c to be well aligned, with a sky-projected obliquity of lambda =6(-26)(+24) deg. This result indicates that the current architecture of the system was reached through convergent migration without any major disruptive events. Finally, we report transit-timing variation in this system as we find a significant offset of 19 +/- 4 min in the center of the transit compared to the published ephemeris.
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techniques: radial velocities,planets and satellites: gaseous planets,planet-star interactions,planets and satellites: individual: HD 110067
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要点】:研究揭示HD 110067 C行星轨道与其宿主恒星自转轴对齐,表明系统经历的是收敛迁移而非重大扰动事件。

方法】:通过分析HD 110067在行星c凌星期间ESPRESSO高分辨率光谱时间序列,使用罗斯iter-McLaughlin效应测量恒星倾斜度。

实验】:对HD 110067进行高分辨率光谱观测,使用时间序列数据分析行星c的凌星,得到其轨道对齐结果,并观测到 transit-timing variation (TTV) 为19±4分钟,使用的数据集为ESPRESSO光谱数据集。