Development of a Distance Education Attitude Scale for Lifelong Learning (DEAS-LLL): a Validity and Reliability Study

Fetiye Aykis,Yasemin Kilic Ozturk

Interactive learning environments(2024)

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In recent times, the utilization of distance education (DE) has witnessed a notable surge across various sectors, particularly amidst the backdrop of pandemics. This study aimed to develop a comprehensive Distance Education Attitude Scale tailored for Lifelong Learning (LLL) contexts. Methodologically, the research enlisted the participation of 260 physicians, employing a five-point Likert scale design. The content validity index yielded an impressive score of 0.92. Following a rigorous 48-item pilot application among 30 physicians, a refined 37-item draft scale emerged. Through explanatory factor analysis, the scale revealed a robust 4-factor structure comprising 22 items. Model fit indices, gauged through confirmatory factor analysis, underscored the scale's coherence and alignment. In the test-retest phase, an analysis utilizing Pearson Correlation Coefficient yielded a robust correlation coefficient of r = 0.891, signifying high stability over time. Moreover, a paired-sample t-test revealed non-significant differences (t = -0.041, p:0.968), further affirming the scale's reliability. With a commendable Cronbach's alpha value of 0.946, the finalized "Distance Education Attitude Scale in Lifelong Learning" stands as a validated and highly reliable instrument, particularly among physicians. Its applicability extends to academic inquiries regarding distance education and holds promise for validation across diverse adult learning cohorts.
Attitude,distance education,lifelong learning,scale development
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