
Stabilized Nickel-Rich Oxide Cathode by the Confining Effect of Nb Lattice Anchoring and Epitaxial Shielding Layer


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Ni-rich LiNixCoyMn1−x−yO2 cathodes attract growing attention for high energy density but still face great challenges in terms of cyclic lifespan and thermal stability issues. The structural degradation is primarily caused by the increased oxygen vacancy and lattice oxygen loss, especially at high temperatures. Here, we develop an anchoring-confining strategy to rivet lattice oxygen and inhibit the formation and migration of oxygen vacancy by constructing LiNbO3 & LiF epitaxial layer and Nb5+ lattice doping within LiNi0.92Co0.055Mn0.025O2 (NCM92) cathode. The optimized NCM-FN material exhibits excellent stability with retenion of 93 % after 200 cycles at 1C supassing the pristine one (68.7 %), conspicuous high-temperature capacity retention rate (81.6 % vs. 49.5 %) and superior reversible capacity of 165 mAh/g at 5C. In particular, it even possessed superior thermal safety pushing thermal runaway temperature to 223.65 °C. In-situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) result indicates that Nb5+ lattice substitution coupled with LiNbO3 & LiF epitaxial layer alleviates the irreversibility of H2-H3 phase transition, thus stabilizing the layered structure. Furthermore, the LiNbO3 & LiF epitaxial layer, as both a physical shielding layer and ionic conductive layer, protects interface structural integrity and simultaneously promotes Li+ diffusion. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) results demonstrate that the formation and propagation of oxygen vacancy within NCM-FN material is significantly inhibited. DFT calculation results reveal that Nb5+ introduction can increase the formation energy of oxygen vacancies and inhibit outward migration of active oxygen Oα- (α < 2) to stabilize layer structure by tuning the breaking energy barrier of nearby metal-O bonds. This work not only demonstrates the design of advanced Ni-rich layered cathodes but also underscores the importance of stabilized lattice oxygen for advanced Ni-rich cathodes.
Ni-rich layered cathode,Thermal stability,Oxygen vacancy,Nb5+ Lattice doping,Epitaxial layer
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