
SP-IMC: A Sparsity Aware In-Memory-Computing Macro in 28nm CMOS with Configurable Sparse Representation for Highly Sparse DNN Workloads

IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference(2024)

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Deep neural networks (DNNs) have experienced unprecedented success in a variety of cognitive tasks due to which there has been a move to deploy DNNs in edge devices. DNNs are usually comprised of multiply-and-accumulate (MAC) operations and are both data and compute intensive. In-memory computing (IMC) methodologies have shown significant energy efficiency and throughput benefits for DNN workloads by reducing data movement and eliminating memory reads. Weight pruning in DNNs can further improve the energy/throughput of DNN hardware through reduced storage and compute. Recent IMC works [1]–[3], [6] have not explored such sparse compression techniques unlike ASIC counterparts to enable storage benefits and compute skipping. A recent work [4] attempted to exploit this by compressing weights using a binary map and a custom compression format. This is sub-optimal because the implementation requires a complex routing mechanism (butterfly routing), additional compute to decode compressed weights and has limited flexibility in supporting different sparse encodings. Fig. 1 illustrates our motivations and the challenges for implementing weight compression in digital IMC designs and the need for a new methodology to enable sparse compute directly on compressed weights. In this work, we present a novel sparsity-integrated IMC (SP-IMC) macro in 28nm CMOS which, for the first time, utilizes three popular sparse compression formats, i.e., coordinate representation (COO), run length encoding (RL) and N:m sparsity [7] all along the matrix column direction with tunable precisions. SP-IMC stores and directly processes the sparse compressed weights in the macro, achieving higher storage density, reduction in re-write operations to the macro and higher overall energy efficiency.
Deep Neural Network,Sparsity,Computational Memory,Sparse Representation,28-nm CMOS,Deep Neural Network Workloads,Energy Efficiency,Column Vector,Partial Products,High Energy Efficiency,Binary Map,Parallel Operation,Edge Devices,Variable Success,Open Reduction,Compressed Format,Non-zero Weights,Zero Counts,Priority Queue,Sparse Techniques
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