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Effectiveness of Deep Learning Techniques in TV Programs Classification: A Comparative Analysis

Federico Candela, Angelo Giordano, Carmen Francesca Zagaria,Francesco Carlo Morabito

Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering(2024)

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In the application areas of streaming, social networks, and video-sharing platforms such as YouTube and Facebook, along with traditional television systems, programs’ classification stands as a pivotal effort in multimedia content management. Despite recent advancements, it remains a scientific challenge for researchers. This paper proposes a novel approach for television monitoring systems and the classification of extended video content. In particular, it presents two distinct techniques for program classification. The first one leverages a framework integrating Structural Similarity Index Measurement and Convolutional Neural Network, which pipelines on stacked frames to classify program initiation, conclusion, and contents. Noteworthy, this versatile method can be seamlessly adapted across various systems. The second analyzed framework implies directly processing optical flow. Building upon a shot-boundary detection technique, it incorporates background subtraction to adaptively discern frame alterations. These alterations are subsequently categorized through the integration of a Transformers network, showcasing a potential advancement in program classification methodology. A comprehensive overview of the promising experimental results yielded by the two techniques is reported. The first technique achieved an accuracy of 95%, while the second one surpassed it with an even higher accuracy of 87% on multiclass classification. These results underscore the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed frameworks, and pave the way for a more efficient and precise content management in the ever-evolving landscape of multimedia platforms and streaming services.
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Deep learning,video classification,pattern recognition,video segmentation,few-shot learning
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