Information theoretically secure data relay using QKD network


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Abstract Supercomputers, quantum computers, other computers, and algorithmic advancements that can break cryptographic systems currently in use are becoming a reality. For information that requires long-term confidentiality (e.g. national security, military security, genomic data etc.), the threat of eavesdropping must be seriously considered. The leakage of such information would not only cause temporary confusion but would also have serious repercussions for future generations. Part of such important data are already being exchanged over the Internet using cryptography that is not resistant to quantum computers. Considering the possibility of harvest attacks on information that must be kept secret for centuries, developing a technology that can immediately eliminate the risk of eavesdropping in principle is desirable. In response to these demands, we previously developed an information-theoretically secure method for data transmission, storage, recovery, and authentication with a single password using a quantum key distribution network called a quantum secure cloud. We now apply this technology to develop an information-theoretically secure long-distance data-relay function and succeed in developing a distributed data-relay simulator that is compatible with current quantum key distribution networks. The throughput of this protocol is more than 10 Mbps for 10 MB data, so it can be applied to practical use.
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