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TOpI-2447 B / NGTS-29 B: a 69-Day Saturn Around a Solar Analogue

Samuel Gill,Daniel BaylissGeorge Zhou, Tafadzwa Zivave

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society(2024)

Univ Warwick | Univ Geneva | Univ Adolfo Ibanez | Univ Chile | Univ Leicester | Carnegie Earth & Planets Lab | Univ Coll London | Harvard | Observ Carnegie Inst Sci | Inst Astrofis Canarias IAC | Univ Calif Santa Cruz | Univ New Mexico | German Aerosp Ctr | Max Planck Inst Astron | MIT | Queen Mary Univ London | Millennium Inst Astrophys | NASA | Univ Catolica Norte | Ctr Astrofis & Tecnol Afines CATA | Pontificia Univ Catolica Chile | European Southern Observ ESO | Armagh Observ & Planetarium | Univ Arizona | Sofia Univ St Kliment Ohridski | Princeton Univ | Tsinghua Univ | Univ Southern Queensland

Cited 0|Views89
Discovering transiting exoplanets with relatively long orbital periods (>10 d) is crucial to facilitate the study of cool exoplanet atmospheres (T-eq < 700 K) and to understand exoplanet formation and inward migration further out than typical transiting exoplanets. In order to discover these longer period transiting exoplanets, long-term photometric, and radial velocity campaigns are required. We report the discovery of TOI-2447 b (=NGTS-29 b), a Saturn-mass transiting exoplanet orbiting a bright (T = 10.0) Solar-type star (T-eff = 5730 K). TOI-2447 b was identified as a transiting exoplanet candidate from a single transit event of 1.3 per cent depth and 7.29 h duration in TESS Sector 31 and a prior transit event from 2017 in NGTS data. Four further transit events were observed with NGTS photometry which revealed an orbital period of P = 69.34 d. The transit events establish a radius for TOI-2447 b of 0.865 +/- 0.010 R-J, while radial velocity measurements give a mass of 0.386 +/- 0.025 M-J. The equilibrium temperature of the planet is 414 K, making it much cooler than the majority of TESS planet discoveries. We also detect a transit signal in NGTS data not caused by TOI-2447 b, along with transit timing variations and evidence for a similar to 150 d signal in radial velocity measurements. It is likely that the system hosts additional planets, but further photometry and radial velocity campaigns will be needed to determine their parameters with confidence. TOI-2447 b/NGTS-29 b joins a small but growing population of cool giants that will provide crucial insights into giant planet composition and formation mechanisms.
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instrumentation: spectrographs,methods: data analysis,techniques: photometric,techniques: radial velocities,planets and satellites: detection,planets and satellites: fundamental parameters
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要点】:本论文报告了TOI-2447 b(= NGTS-29b)这一土星质量级 transit exoplanet 的发现,其围绕一颗亮度较高的太阳型恒星运行,具有长达69.34天的轨道周期,这一发现对研究温度较低的外行星大气(T_eq < 700 K)及理解外行星的形成和内向迁移机制具有重要意义。

方法】:通过长期的光度观测和径向速度 campaigns,发现了这一土星质量的transiting exoplanet。

实验】:使用 NGTS 光度观测确定 TOI-2447 b 的轨道周期为 69.34天,并通过径向速度测量得到其质量为 0.386 ± 0.025 M_J,从而建立了一个径向和质量的关系。该行星的平衡温度为414K,远低于大多数TESS行星的发现温度。在 NGTS 数据中还检测到其他非 TOI-2447 b 引起的 transit 信号,以及 transit timing variations 和径向速度测量中约150天的信号,暗示该系统可能存在其他行星。但还需进一步的光度和径向速度观测来确认这些行星的参数。TOI-2447 b/NGTS-29b 加入到一组冷 giant planet 中,这组行星将对巨行星的组成和形成机制提供关键的见解。