
The Onset of Intussusceptive Angiogenesis in COVID-19 Patients Might Come from the Mobilization of Stem Cell Sub-Populations Expressing the Hemangioblast Marker CD143

Stem Cell Reviews and Reports(2024)

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COVID-19 and infectious diseases have been included in strategic development goals (SDG) of United Nations (UN). The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has unveiled complex pathophysiological mechanisms underpinning COVID-19, notably inducing a systemic acquired vascular hemopathy characterized by endothelial dysfunction and intussusceptive angiogenesis, a rapid vascular remodeling process identified as a hallmark in severe COVID-19 cases affecting pulmonary and cardiac tissues. Stem cell migration have been proposed as significant regulators of this neoangiogenic process. In a monocentric cross-sectional study, through spectral flow cytometry analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, we identified a distinct stem cell subpopulation mobilized in critical COVID-19. Indeed, by an unsupervised analysis generating a UMAP representation we highlighted eleven different clusters in critical and non-critical COVID-19 patients. Only one cluster was significantly associated to critical COVID-19 compared to non-critical patients. This cluster expressed the markers: CD45dim, CD34+, CD117+, CD147+, and CD143+, and were negative for CD133. Higher level of expression of hemangioblast markers CD143 were found in critical COVID-19 patients. This population, indicative of hemangioblast-like cells, suggests a key role in COVID-19-related neoangiogenesis, potentially driving the severe vascular complications observed. Our findings underscore the need for further investigation into the contributions of adult stem cells in COVID-19 pathology, offering new insights into therapeutic targets and interventions.
Stem cells,Hemangioblast,CD143,COVID-19,UN-SDG3
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