It's About Time! Timing in Epilepsy Evaluation and Treatment


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The 2023 American Epilepsy Society Annual Course "It's About Time" addressed timing in epilepsy evaluation and treatment with respect to health disparity and vulnerable populations and diagnostic, clinical, and epilepsy surgery evaluation. This comprehensive course included topics on gaps in epilepsy care and optimization of behavioral health for patients with epilepsy. The summary details current knowledge in areas of seizure forecasting and epileptogenesis. Intricacies and controversies over timing were discussed for treatment of nonconvulsive seizures and ictal-interictal patterns, acute symptomatic seizures, neuromodulation versus surgery, and epilepsy surgery in status epilepticus. Timing regarding clinical care in autoimmune-associated epilepsy, developmental and epileptic encephalopathy, and dietary therapy were examined. Additionally, salient topics on using novel biomarkers and collaboration with neuropsychological outcomes were also tackled in this all-encompassing lecture series.
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annual course,time,epilepsy,timing,ketogenic diet therapy,seizure,AES,disparities,ictal-interictal continuum,behavioral health
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