
Measurements of π±, K±, p and (p)over-bar spectra in 40Ar+45Sc collisions at 13A to 150A GeV/c

H. Adhikary,P. Adrich,K. K. Allison,N. Amin,E. V. Andronov,T. Anticic,I. -C. Arsene,M. Bajda,Y. Balkova,M. Baszczyk,D. Battaglia,A. Bazgir,S. Bhosale,M. Bielewicz,A. Blondel,M. Bogomilov,Y. Bondar,N. Bostan,A. Brandin,W. Brylinski,J. Brzychczyk,M. Buryakov,A. F. Camino,M. Cirkovic,M. Csanad,J. Cybowska,T. Czopowicz,C. Dalmazzone,N. Davis,A. Dmitriev,P. von Doetinchem,W. Dominik,P. Dorosz,J. Dumarchez,R. Engel,G. A. Feofilov,L. Fields,Z. Fodor,M. Friend,M. Gazdzicki,O. Golosov,V. Golovatyuk, M. Golubeva,K. Grebieszkow,F. Guber,S. N. Igolkin,S. Ilieva,A. Ivashkin,A. Izvestnyy,K. Kadija,N. Kargin,N. Karpushkin,E. Kashirin,M. Kielbowicz,V. A. Kireyeu,H. Kitagawa,R. Kolesnikov,D. Kolev,Y. Koshio,V. N. Kovalenko,S. Kowalski,B. Kozlowski,A. Krasnoperov,W. Kucewicz,M. Kuchowicz,M. Kuich, A. Kurepin,A. Laszlo,M. Lewicki,G. Lykasov,V. V. Lyubushkin,M. Mackowiak-Pawlowska,Z. Majka,A. Makhnev,B. Maksiak,A. I. Malakhov,A. Marcinek,A. D. Marino,H. -J. Mathes,T. Matulewicz,V. Matveev,G. L. Melkumov,A. Merzlaya,L. Mik,A. Morawiec,S. Morozov,Y. Nagai,T. Nakadaira,M. Naskret,S. Nishimori,V. Ozvenchuk,O. Panova,V. Paolone,O. Petukhov,I. Pidhurskyi,R. Planeta,P. Podlaski,B. A. Popov,B. Porfy,M. Posiadala-Zezula,D. S. Prokhorova,D. Pszczel,S. Pulawski,J. Puzovic, R. Renfordt,L. Ren,V. Z. Reyna Ortiz,D. Rohrich,E. Rondio,M. Roth,L. Rozplochowski,B. T. Rumberger,M. Rumyantsev,A. Rustamov,M. Rybczynski,A. Rybicki,K. Sakashita,K. Schmidt,A. Yu. Seryakov,P. Seyboth,U. A. Shah,Y. Shiraishi,A. Shukla,M. Slodkowski,P. Staszel,G. Stefanek,J. Stepaniak,M. Strikhanov,H. Stroebele,T. Susa,L. Swiderski,J. Szewinski,R. Szukiewicz,A. Taranenko,A. Tefelska,D. Tefelski,V. Tereshchenko,A. Toia,R. Tsenov,L. Turko,T. S. Tveter,M. Unger,M. Urbaniak,F. F. Valiev,D. Veberic,V. V. Vechernin,V. Volkov,A. Wickremasinghe,K. Wojcik,O. Wyszynski,A. Zaitsev,E. D. Zimmerman,A. Zviagina,R. Zwaska


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The NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron studies the onset of deconfinement in strongly interacting matter through a beam energyscan of particle production in collisions of nuclei of varied sizes. This paper presents results on inclusive double-differential spectra, transverse momentum and rapidity distributions and mean multiplicities of pi(+/-), K-+/-, p and (p) over bar produced in Ar-40+Sc-45 collisions at beam momenta of 13A,19A,30A,40A,75Aand 150AGeV/c. The analysis uses the 10% mostcentral collisions, where the observed forward energy definescentrality. The energy dependence of the K-+/-/pi(+/-) ratios aswell as of inverse slope parameters of the K-+/- transverse mass distributions are placed in between those found in inelastic p + p and central Pb + Pb collisions. The results obtained here establish a system-size dependence of hadron production properties that so far cannot be explained either within statistical or dynamical models.
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