
Weaving Wayapa and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Applying Research Topic Yarning to Explore a Cultural Interface Between Western and Indigenous Psychology Practice in Australia

Melissa O'Shea,Anna Klas, Tracy Hardy, Jem Stone, Thaedra Frangos, Teya Jacobs,Fiona Mitchell,James Charles, Sara Jones, Jamie Thomas,Kelleigh Ryan

Australian psychologist(2024)

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BackgroundIndigenous Psychology within Australia reflects the traditional knowledges of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and their understanding of the cultivation of relational social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB). However, these perspectives are poorly incorporated into dominant "Western" psychological theories and practice, such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). This represents a barrier to the cultural safety of current mental health practice and its decolonisation within Australia.ObjectivesThis study brought together CBT Practitioners and Practitioners of an Aboriginal Wellbeing practice ("Wayapa") to engage in a series of yarns (guided focus groups) to share perspectives, insights, and stories on their own and each other's practices.MethodIndigenous qualitative research approaches including Research Topic Yarning were engaged to decolonise the research environment and support dialogue at the cultural interface of the two practices.ResultsThrough experiencing Wayapa, CBT practitioners reflected on gaps in their own practice, with an enthusiasm for the opportunities that Wayapa provided to decolonise their practice. Wayapa practitioners were able to celebrate the holistic nature of their practice and the possibility for it to inform dominant "Western" psychological theories and practice, such as CBT, and encourage a more connected and culturally safe way of working with First Nations peoples.ConclusionsCreating safe cultural interfaces between "Western" and Indigenous Psychologies, and building awareness of the value of Aboriginal grounded wellbeing models, can help to promote and expand culturally safe practices within Australian psychological practice. What is already known about this topic: The cultural safety and relevance of CBT for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples remains uncertain.There is limited knowledge of Aboriginal wellbeing practices and Indigenous Psychologies amongst non-Indigenous Australian mental health practitioners, including psychologists.Broadened understanding of Aboriginal wellbeing practices such as Wayapa Wurrrk, may contribute to decolonising psychology in Australia.What this topic adds: CBT and Wayapa share common and unique tools and concepts that can support the social emotional wellbeing of all Australians.Wayapa Wurrrk concepts such as earth mindfulness and the centring of Country as a foundation for wellness and social emotional wellbeing represent gaps in current CBT practice.Work at the cultural interface of "Western" and Indigenous Psychology offers a pathway to promote appreciation for, and active utilisation of, Indigenous psychologies including the social emotional wellbeing framework (SEWB).In this article, we recognise both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as the First Nations of Australia. We acknowledge and pay respect to the knowledge that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are unique, all with their own languages, knowledge systems, beliefs, and histories. We recognise the collective terms they prefer also vary. With respectful consideration to these preferences, typically we will specify Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples when referring to First Nations Peoples in this article. From time to time, we use the term Indigenous. However, we note that for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, this is not preferred. As such, we have only used this where we are referencing it's use from another source, or it is the established use of the term, such as its use in "Indigenous knowledges". Where referring to individual Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, we have endeavoured to incorporate their preferences, including for example, reference to the Country they are connected to.
Indigenous psychology,social and emotional wellbeing,Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples,cognitive behaviour therapy,culturally responsive psychology practice,Indigenous research method
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