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Does Mitotane Offer Lasting Cure or Transitory Benefits Following Adrenocortical Carcinoma Surgery?

Cristina Alvarez Escola,Jorge Hernando Cubero, Cruz Miguel Angel Mangas,Jesus Garcia Donas,Maria Jose Picon Cesar,Miguel Paja Fano,Laura Gonzalez Fernandez, Lorena Gonzalez Batanero, Lourdes Garcia-Garcia-Doncel,Javier Molina-Cerrillo,Trufero Javier Martinez, Brenda Veiguela Blanco, Beatriz Febrero Sanchez,Felicia A Hanzu,Carlos Lopez,Concepcion Blanco, Y Cajal Teresa Ramon, Jersy Jair Cardenas Salas,Nuria Valdes,Paula Jimenez Fonseca,Alberto Carmona Bayonas

Endocrine Abstracts(2024)

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