
Which Purchase Do I Deserve? Understanding Self-Gift and Purchase Dimensions

RAM Revista de Administração Mackenzie(2024)

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Abstract Purpose: This study sought to compare the behavior of self-gifting among the purchase dimensions. Specifically, we sought to identify which type of purchase is preferable in this phenomenon and how the predecessor moment can regulate and boost the donation of appropriate gifts for themselves. Originality/value: This study differs from previous research by simultaneously comparing the purchase dimensions (material-experiential and ordinary-extraordinary) and the moments preceding the purchase in the act of self-gifting. The findings indicate that donating ordinary possessions is essential for realizing the symbolic self-communication of the consumer who gives himself. Design/methodology/approach: Two sequential experimental design studies between subjects were carried out, with a non-probabilistic sample of 414 respondents. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA). Findings: The results showed that ordinary material purchases led to a greater attitude towards self-gift, even though the literature suggested that extraordinary experiential purchases were preferable. In sequence, the concept of proportionality indicates that individuals seek to give themselves a gift regardless of the moment before the purchase. Consumers regulate their self-gifting based on the previously lived moment. In ordinary predecessor events, individuals seek to reward themselves with ordinary purchases, while in landmark predecessor events, individuals seek to reward themselves with extraordinary purchases.
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