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Enhancing Deadwood Reporting for Forest Ecosystems: Bridge Equations to Convert Deadwood Measured at Any Diameter Threshold to Reference Diameters

Ecological indicators(2024)

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National as well as international requirements have led to an increased need to quantify deadwood stocks in forest ecosystems given their important role not only in terms of carbon storage and regulation of the carbon cycle but also as biodiversity refugia. However, differences in definitions and field monitoring as well as gaps in existing data on deadwood mean that comparisons among countries and retrospective analyses are difficult. In this research, we propose two potential approaches to solve the most common gaps in forest deadwood monitoring. First, we develop bridging functions capable of converting deadwood measurements with a specific reference diameter to 7.5 cm (minimum diameter value in Spain) and 10.0 cm (the most common minimum value for international statistics) diameters for the main forest types while also addressing the effect of raising the minimum measurable size on the quantification of deadwood. Furthermore, we aim to calculate the ratios between the amount of standing deadwood, the most common indicator monitored in National Forest Inventories, and the entire deadwood pool as a proxy for estimating complete deadwood stocks when data are not available. For this objective, we use information obtained from the Spanish National Forest Inventory, linear models and 10-fold cross-validation. We estimate the percentage of deadwood omitted when the minimum deadwood size is increased for the main eight forest types in Spain as well as for the entire country, using two different approaches. The ratio between the amount of standing deadwood and the entire deadwood pool ranged between 0.14 and 0.45 depending on the forest type. The lowest values of this ratio were found in Open woodlands and the largest in Mediterranean conifers. The validation statistics (R2 ranging from 0.82 in Evergreen broadleaves to 0.97 in Macaronesian broadleaves) indicate that the bridging functions we propose are robust and accurate. However, the ratios between the amount of standing deadwood and the entire deadwood pool performed poorer (R2 ranging from 0.26 in Macaronesian conifers to 0.65 in Macaronesian broadleaves) and led to an overestimation of the total stocks. Our results are of value not only for the purposes of comparison and harmonization but also for the implementation of new forest monitoring systems.
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Key words
Biodiversity,Carbon budget,Coarse woody debris,Forest sampling,Full area sampling,Monitoring
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