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SAGES Guidelines for the Use of Laparoscopy During Pregnancy.

Surgical Endoscopy(2024)

Thomas Jefferson University Hospital | University of Louisville | Saint Louis University | Indiana University School of Medicine | Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine | NewYork-Presbyterian Queens | University of Ottawa | University of Manitoba | Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University | Mercy Medical Center Cedar Rapids | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center | Mount Sinai Health System | University of Chicago Medicine

Cited 15|Views17
BACKGROUND:When pregnant patients present with nonobstetric pathology, the physicians caring for them may be uncertain about the optimal management strategy. The aim of this guideline is to develop evidence-based recommendations for pregnant patients presenting with common surgical pathologies including appendicitis, biliary disease, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).METHODS:The Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) Guidelines Committee convened a working group to address these issues. The group generated five key questions and completed a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature. An expert panel then met to form evidence-based recommendations according to the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation approach. Expert opinion was utilized when the available evidence was deemed insufficient.RESULTS:The expert panel agreed on ten recommendations addressing the management of appendicitis, biliary disease, and IBD during pregnancy.CONCLUSIONS:Conditional recommendations were made in favor of appendectomy over nonoperative treatment of appendicitis, laparoscopic appendectomy over open appendectomy, and laparoscopic cholecystectomy over nonoperative treatment of biliary disease and acute cholecystitis specifically. Based on expert opinion, the panel also suggested either operative or nonoperative treatment of biliary diseases other than acute cholecystitis in the third trimester, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography rather than common bile duct exploration for symptomatic choledocholithiasis, applying the same criteria for emergent surgical intervention in pregnant and non-pregnant IBD patients, utilizing an open rather than minimally invasive approach for pregnant patients requiring emergent surgical treatment of IBD, and managing pregnant patients with active IBD flares in a multidisciplinary fashion at centers with IBD expertise.
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Key words
Guidelines,Surgery in pregnancy,Appendicitis,Cholecystitis,Biliary disease,Inflammatory bowel disease,ERCP
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