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Recovery of the X-ray Polarisation of Swift J1727.8-1613 after the Soft-to-hard Spectral Transition

J. Podgorny,J. SvobodaW. Zhang, Y. Zhang

Astronomy and Astrophysics(2024)

Czech Acad Sci | Univ Turku | NASA Marshall Space Flight Ctr | Univ Roma Tre | Newcastle Univ | INAF Ist Astrofis & Planetol Spaziali | INAF Osservatorio Astron Cagliari | Washington Univ St Louis | Univ Grenoble Alpes | INAF Ist Astrofis Spaziale & Fis Cosm | Ctr Astrophys Harvard & Smithsonian | Anton Pannekoek Inst Astron | Univ Warwick | NASA | Agenzia Spaziale Italiana | Univ Milan | Inst Astrofis Canarias | CALTECH | Louisiana State Univ | Univ Padua | Tor Vergata Univ Roma | Natl Cent Univ | Chinese Acad Sci

Cited 1|Views34
We report on the detection of X-ray polarisation in the black-hole X-ray binary Swift J1727.8-1613 during its dim hard spectral state by the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE). This is the first detection of X-ray polarisation at the transition from the soft to the hard state in an X-ray binary. We find an averaged 2-8 keV polarisation degree of (3.3 +/- 0.4)% and a corresponding polarisation angle of 3 degrees +/- 4 degrees, which matches the polarisation detected during the rising stage of the outburst, in September-October 2023, within 1 sigma uncertainty. The observational campaign complements previous studies of this source and enables comparison of the X-ray polarisation properties of a single transient across the X-ray hardness-intensity diagram. The complete recovery of the X-ray polarisation properties, including the energy dependence, came after a dramatic drop in the X-ray polarisation during the soft state. The new IXPE observations in the dim hard state at the reverse transition indicate that the accretion properties, including the geometry of the corona, appear to be strikingly similar to the bright hard state during the outburst rise despite the X-ray luminosities differing by two orders of magnitude.
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Key words
accretion, accretion disks,black hole physics,polarization,X-rays: binaries,X-rays: individuals: Swift J1727.8-1613
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要点】:本研究首次在X射线双星Swift J1727.8-1613从软态到硬态的过渡过程中探测到X射线极化现象,发现极化度在(3.3±0.4)%,极化角度为3°±4°,与爆发上升期的极化特性一致。

方法】:利用成像X射线偏振探测器(IXPE)对Swift J1727.8-1613进行观测,分析其2-8 keV能量范围内的X射线极化特性。
