
Particle Fracture Regimes from Impact Simulations

Physical review E(2024)

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We introduce an approach to particle breakage, wherein the particle is modeled as an aggregate of polyhedral cells with their common surfaces governed by the Griffith criterion of fracture. This model is implemented within a discrete element code to simulate and analyze the breakage behavior of a single particle impacting a rigid plane. We find that fracture dynamics involves three distinct regimes as a function of the normalized impact energy ω. At low values of ω, the particle undergoes elastic rebound and no cracks occur inside the particle. In the intermediate range, the particle is damaged by nucleation and propagation of cracks, and the effective restitution coefficient declines without breakup of the particle. Finally, for values of ω beyond a well-defined threshold, the particle breaks into fragments and the restitution coefficient increases with ω due to kinetic energy carried away by the fragments. We show that particle damage, restitution coefficient, and fracture efficiency (the amount of energy input consumed for particle fracture) collapse well as a function of dimensionless scaling parameters. Our data are also sufficiently accurate to scale fragment size and shape distributions. It is found that fragment masses (volumes) follow a power-law distribution with an exponent decreasing with fracture energy. Interestingly, the average elongation and flatness of fragments are very close to those observed in experiments and lunar samples at the optimal fracture efficiency.
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