
Human Midbrain-Brainstem Classification According to the Prosomeric Model

Brain research(2024)

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This study reevaluates the conventional understanding of midbrain anatomy and neuroanatomical nomenclature in the context of recent genetic and anatomical discoveries. The authors assert that the midbrain should be viewed as an integral part of the forebrain due to shared genetic determinants and evolutionary lineage. The isthmo-mesencephalic boundary is recognized as a significant organizer for both the caudal midbrain and the isthmo-cerebellar area. The article adopts the prosomeric model, redefining the whole brain as neuromeres, offering a more precise depiction of brain development, including processes like proliferation, neurogenesis, cell migration, and differentiation. This shift in understanding challenges traditional definitions of the midbrain based on external brain morphology. The study also delves into the historical context of neuroanatomical models, including the columnar model proposed by Herrick in 1910, which has influenced our understanding of brain structure. Furthermore, the study has clinical implications, affecting neuroanatomy, neurodevelopmental studies, and the diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders. It emphasizes the need to integrate molecular research into human neuroanatomical studies and advocates for updating neuroanatomical terminology to reflect modern genetic and molecular insights. The authors propose two key revisions. First, we suggest reclassifying the isthmo-cerebellar prepontine region as part of the hindbrain, due to its role in cerebellar development and distinct location caudal to the genetically-defined midbrain. Second, we recommend redefining the anterior boundary of the genetically-defined midbrain to align with genetic markers. In conclusion, the authors highlight the importance of harmonizing neuroanatomical nomenclature with current scientific knowledge, promoting a more precise and informed understanding of brain structure, which is crucial for both research and clinical applications related to the human brain.
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