freeLoc: Wireless-Based Cross-Domain Device-Free Fingerprints Localization to Free User’s Motions

IEEE Internet of Things Journal(2024)

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Due to contactless and convenient experiences, WiFi-based device-free fingerprints localization technologies have extensively attracted research attention. However, they are studied based on an assumption that the user is stationary and face a major challenge in the presence of users motions. That is because users motions induced CSIWiFi variations results in inconsistent location fingerprints during training and prediction, leading to system ineffective. To solve this problem, in this paper, we propose freeLoc, which aims to free users motions (even unseen) while maintaining accurate localization. Specifically, we construct a domain adaptation network that defines different users and motions as different domains, and learns domain-independent representations to extract location fingerprints independent of users motions. Unfortunately, collecting sufficient amounts of WiFi data is difficult. To reduce the cost of labeling data and ensure the performance of domain adaptation network, we utilize adversarial autoencoder to build a data augmentation module to introduce data diversity. We deploy experiments in a real scenario, and the results show that only by labeling three motions of three users, we can achieve accurate localization (the nearest locations are about one meter away) for a total of 36 domains including 6 users and 6 motions. Compared to other existing technologies, freeLoc can improve location prediction accuracy by up to 35%.
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Key words
Device-free localization,fingerprints inconsistency,domain adaptation,data augmentation
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