Composing Pre-Trained Object-Centric Representations for Robotics from "what" and "where" Foundation Models

Shi Junyao, Qian Jianing,Ma Yecheng Jason,Jayaraman Dinesh

arXiv (Cornell University)(2024)

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There have recently been large advances both in pre-training visualrepresentations for robotic control and segmenting unknown category objects ingeneral images. To leverage these for improved robot learning, we proposePOCR, a new framework for building pre-trained object-centricrepresentations for robotic control. Building on theories of "what-where"representations in psychology and computer vision, we use segmentations from apre-trained model to stably locate across timesteps, various entities in thescene, capturing "where" information. To each such segmented entity, we applyother pre-trained models that build vector descriptions suitable for roboticcontrol tasks, thus capturing "what" the entity is. Thus, our pre-trainedobject-centric representations for control are constructed by appropriatelycombining the outputs of off-the-shelf pre-trained models, with no newtraining. On various simulated and real robotic tasks, we show that imitationpolicies for robotic manipulators trained on POCR achieve better performanceand systematic generalization than state of the art pre-trained representationsfor robotics, as well as prior object-centric representations that aretypically trained from scratch.
Representation Learning,Imitation Learning,Sensorimotor Learning
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