
Combined Diagnosis for Parkinson's Disease Via Gait and Eye Movement Disorders

Han Li, Wenqi Ma,Chengqian Li, Qiqing He,Yuting Zhou,Anmu Xie

Parkinsonism & related disorders (Online)/Parkinsonism & related disorders(2024)

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Background and objectives: With the discovery of the potential role of gait and eye movement disorders in Parkinson's disease (PD) recognition, we intend to investigate the combined diagnostic value of gait and eye movement disorders for PD. Methods: We enrolled some Chinese PD patients and healthy controls and separated them into the training and validation sets based on enrollment time. Performance in five oculomotor paradigms and in one gait paradigm was examined using an infrared eye tracking device and a wearable gait analysis device. We developed and validated a combined model for PD diagnosis via multivariate stepwise logistic regression analysis. Furthermore, subgroup comparisons and multi-model comparison were performed to assess its applicability and advantages. Results: A total of 145 PD patients and 80 healthy controls in China were recruited. The pro-saccade velocity, the trunk-sway max, and the turn mean angular velocity were finally screened out for the model development. Incorporating age factor, the ternary model demonstrated more satisfactory performance on ROC (AUC of 0.953 in the training set and AUC of 0.972 in the validation set), calibration curve, and decision curve. A nomogram was drawn to visualize the model. The combined model outperforms individual models with a broad application and the unique diagnostic value for early detection of PD patients, especially TD-PD patients. Conclusion: We demonstrated the presence of gait and eye movement disorders, as well as the feasibility, applicability, and superiority of employing them together to diagnose PD.
Gait,Eye movement,Diagnosis,Nomogram,Parkinson's disease
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