
Differentiation and Characterization of Healthy Versus Pathological Tau Using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer

NMR in biomedicine(2024)

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Neurofibrillary tangles of tau constitute one of the key biological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease. Currently, the assessment of regional tau accumulation requires intravenous administration of radioactive tracers for PET imaging. A noninvasive MRI-based solution would have significant clinical implications. Herein, we utilized an MRI technique known as chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) to determine the imaging signature of tau in both its monomeric and pathologic fibrillated conformations. Three sets of purified recombinant full-length (4R) tau protein were prepared for collection of CEST spectra using a 9.4 T NMR spectrometer at varying temperatures (25, 37, and 42 degrees C) and RF intensities (0.7, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.2 mu T). Monomeric and fibrillated tau were readily distinguished based on their Z-spectrum profiles. Fibrillated tau demonstrated a less prominent peak at 3.5 ppm with additional peaks near 0.5 and 1.5 ppm. No significant differences were identified between fibrillated tau prepared using heparin versus seed-competent tau. In conclusion, monomeric and fibrillated tau can be readily detected and distinguished based on their CEST-derived Z-spectra, pointing to the potential utility of CEST-MRI as a noninvasive biomarker of regional pathologic tau accumulation in the brain. Further testing and validation in vitro and in vivo will be necessary before this can be applied clinically. We sought to uncover the CEST Z-spectrum for tau protein, which represents one of the defining pathologic hallmarks of Alzheimer's Disease. Using purified full-length tau, we demonstrated that the monomeric and fibrillated configurations of the tau protein yielded differing Z-spectra, with the fibrillated form showing additional pronounced signal peaks at 1 and 2 ppm. dagger image
Alzheimer's Disease,Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer,MRI,Tau
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