
Flight analysis and optimization design of vectored thrust eVTOL based on cooperative flight/propulsion control

Aerospace Science and Technology(2024)

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The rise of electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft has sparked research interest, but attention to modeling and evaluation methods, particularly for vectored thrust eVTOL, lags behind. The intricate flight/ propulsion coupling and structure/control complexity contribute to the gap. Moreover, integrated modeling and evaluation processes for vectored thrust eVTOL should fully account for the tilting characteristics of the fan/ propeller. This paper proposes a flight/propulsion cooperative control modeling and evaluation method for vectored thrust eVTOL. The methodology uses the Gaussian pseudospectral trajectory optimization method to obtain the overall characteristics and cooperative control strategy of flight/propulsion under strict take-off and landing trajectory constraints. Besides, this paper yielded the parameterized analysis and matching optimization design of the propulsion system. Results indicated that for an aircraft with a take-off weight of 1.8 tons, equipped with four 1.6 m diameter tilting ducted fans and a single discharge rate 5C battery, its cruising range is 135.1 km based on the selected technical parameters. The power consumption accounts for merely 12.6% of the total battery capacity during the take-off phase with high-power demand but short duration. By employing a pack of high-power-density and high-energy-density batteries to drive the ducted fans jointly, the aircraft's cruising range, fan size, and payload can be optimized. The 20C+2C battery scheme can either increase the cruising range by 27.3% without changing the fan diameter or increase the cruising range by 6.1% when the fan diameter is reduced to 1.1 m. Wherein without changing the fan diameter, the battery mass can be reduced from 720 kg to 571 kg while satisfying the takeoff and cruising requirements. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of improving the cruising range and optimizing the fan size and payload.
eVTOL,Vector propulsion,Flight/propulsion cooperative control,the Gauss pseudospectral method,flight analysis,optimization design
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