
0498 Driving Performance of OSA Referrals Is Not Correlated with ODI or ESS: Preliminary Results from the ODESA Study


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Abstract Introduction Untreated obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is associated with 3-fold increased risk of a motor vehicle collision. To date research in this area has focused on driving simulators, crash records and emergency room reports each of which has limitations. Predictors of poor on road driving performance with OSA are not well developed. Methods We are recruiting to a study (ODESA), to assess on-road driving performance, collected through a smartphone app developed by our industry partner (Sentiance). Participants are recruited from referrals for investigation of possible OSA. Here, we present preliminary data from the first participants to assess if our measures of driving distinguish varying levels of performance between drivers, and if any measure is correlated with levels of oxygen desaturation (ODI), and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). Driving scores of Hard Events, Hard Acceleration and Hard Turning were compared across participants using one-way ANOVA’s, and tests of correlation with ODI and ESS were computed using Spearman's Rho. Results 10 participants (51 +/- 12 years [mean +/- SD], 4 female), have recorded 683 journeys (68 +/- 36 [mean +/- SD]). Significant effects of driving scores between participants, were found for Hard Events (F[9,533]=16.3, p< 0.00001), and Hard Acceleration (F[9,592]=5.64, p< 0.00001), but not Hard Turning (F[9,590]=1.48, p= 0.15). There was no reliable relationship between either ODI (10.2 +/- 15.6 [mean +/- SD]) and Hard Events (rs=.18, p=.63), Hard Acceleration (rs=.25, p=.49) and Hard Turning (rs=-.14, p=.7), or EES (10.9 +/- 4.8 [mean +/- SD]) and Hard Events (rs= .08, p=.83), Hard Acceleration (rs=.31, p=.39) and Hard Turning (rs= -.02, p=.96). Conclusion This preliminary analysis shows that despite finding variation in driving performance measures of Hard Events and Acceleration between participants, neither OSA severity or subjective sleepiness (EES), was correlated with the current data configuration. The ODESA study plans to test if neurophysiological measures (EEG), and temporal experience traces (TET), are more informative measures of driving behaviour in patients with suspected OSA. Support (if any)
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