
An Economic Study of Hydrogen and Ammonia Generation from the Reforming of Biogas from Co-Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste and Wastewater Sludge in a Brazilian State

International journal of hydrogen energy(2024)

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The objective of this study is to evaluate the economic feasibility of leveraging H2 generated from biogas for 28 sanitary landfill consortia in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Two processes were analyzed: steam methane reforming (SMR) and pyrolysis reforming. Both were assessed via the economic analyses of Net Present Value (NPV), Levelized Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Potential biogas production from sanitary landfills was estimated along with the production of hydrogen and ammonia. Installation (CAPEX) along with operation and maintenance (OPEX) costs were estimated for the biogas purification processes and attainment of H2. The sales rate for H2 as a fuel source was derived for each consortium. The capacity for ammonia attainment from H2 was determined as well as the Levelized Cost of Ammonia (LCOA). The installed capacity of the consortia varied from 18,332.05 to 2,470,525.30 kg H2/year. The LCOH varied from 7.01 US$/kg to 44.45 US$/kg. Comparing the three scenarios, the Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) without CO2 capture obtained the best economic results; however, this scenario leads to the emission of CO2. The novelty of this research resides in the use of biogas to obtain H2 and ammonia, as well as in comparing SMR with pyrolysis. The consortium CIDES showed the best economic results. The reformation processes of CH4 in H2 with zero CO2 emissions obtained the best LCOH values, thus making it less competitive in relation to fossil fuels. Public policy changes are necessary to incentivize the production and use of H2 and ammonia from biogas.
Municipal solid waste,Biomethane,Hydrogen,Economic viability
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